Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wedding Preparation
hmm npe nth appetite makin menjadi2 but rs nk mrh orang pun tinggi jgk....silap je tnya mau org tu kne grrrrrr...ngn i..huhu PMS kot i rs...well that's not my point for this i nk cte pasal emmm...yup psl wedding preparation....last weekend on sunday i pegi my official bridal B n R ..sbb few things nk kne tmbah...nampak ade some baju baru cntik n baju colour royal blue pun dah ade great! malay brides skrg dh pndai pkai kaler2 garang n terang...wonder how those mat saleh only wear the same colour for their wedding...untung la kt jd orang melayu blh pkai ape2 kaler pun nk pkai baju dari negara/budaya lain pun xde hal...pakaila as long as xsktkn ht sesiapa ...hahaha...Back to the bridal story...actly igtkn nk try baju baru tp bajunye different colour la just bncag utk tmbh deco kt dewan and maintable tukar design pelamin rumah n dewan...bile decide awl pastu tgk org lain pnye lg cntik maka knela tuka motip ikot 1 kelemahan i.....cpt berubah fikiran esp on this cases la pilihan ht insyaallah xberubah =)...ohh n abah nk i tmbh deco2 kt lua dewan sbb katanya biar org tau kt ctu nnt ade majlis kawen....ermm so kak liza owner bridal tu pun ckp 'jom la kt g tgk skrg'...i was quite blurr but ok la since i pun bkn ade ms sgt so ktorg pegi tgk dewan tu.....actly i suggest nk gantung paper lantern je kt lua dewan bcoz bwh bumbung tu ade palang2 ...i can imagine la lantern tu berkegantungan (betul ke 2?) kt palang2 tu kn...then kak liza said shud add flowers also lg cntik...i pun ok la...then she seemed of getting the picture of the event and she recommend i to make new bridal suit with her ...she said 'pkai kain yg meleret2 tu br cntik' ...ermmm i can imagine too ...msti rs sgt confident jalan ats red carpet tu tb2 tersentak mcm nmpk dollar sign ($) bersinar2 depan mata huhuhuhu hw i wish la i ckp xpe akak quote la dlu sume2 bla bla bla smpai pkl7 ktorg pun make a move....then esk tu abah ajk i jmpe en Nizam person in charge of silveritage i xblk KL lg la monday tu heheh sng jgk kawen time xkeje tetap lg sesuka ht je amk cuti n buat cuti sndiri...=p so monday morning around 1030 i g jmpe en nizam kt silveritage...mcm2 jgkla yg abah comment n mntk die carikan for my wedding ..pastu byk plk mende yg xde ...PA system pon kene sewa gk hadoi la...penat pening parah dibuatnya....tb2 je rasa byk betul keje kne buat......pstu tghari ari yg sma kak liza dh siap quote n pm i kt Fb....WOW!!!!!! price more than expected....huhu bagaimana2? i pun bgtau abah n mama n they all were like ...'y is tht so expensive'...ermm actly i expected around 7k tp die quote 8k tp bile pk2 blk logikla ape yg die buat tu...kalo i jd bridal pun i myb akan ltk price yg sma or lg tnggi ..yela..imagine spe nk gntung kt palang tu....msti die nk upah org kne la makeup price sket.....abah tau nk itu ini je tp die xpk org tu last2 i tpksa la tolak some of the decorations yg extra2 tu plus baju baru..(sedihnye) roughly kurangla dlm 2k and thats the limit abah give to me..........erm byk jgk yg dh setel tp ade byk gk yg belum setel...will update more later...
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