woit2 woit2...hehe..actly i have things to do tonite but since ptg td teringat blog n i posted new post so mlm ni pun mood nk post 2 still membara2 lg hihi...ermm those yg pnh baca post i bfore this msti tau kn my hantaran for engagement Jemari kreatif yg buat..tapi dis tyme for wedding rs cm ssh plk kalo nk tmph kat KL sbbnye its going to be 11 dulang..can u imagine?aritu 9 dulang pun penuh 1 myvi kalo 11 dulang?haiyo ...sewa lori la gamaknye..huhu (gamaknye read=agaknye) Ade terniat nk tmpah ngn Zaha wedding planner yg tgh hot n masyhurr (klasikkan bunyi =P) kt ipoh tu...bile search n tgk kt fb die..rs cm xbekenan plk huhu kalo sape2 ade connection ngn zaha ni jgn marah ek for me hantaran die cantik.. tp mata i cm xbpe ske mgkin mta i ske yg simple2 kot ...i talked to mama 'mama rasa ifa blh x wt sndiri ?'..and she said something like dis 'ha baikla buat sndiri wt simple2 je byk jual bnde2 lilite kt kdai tu?' ....errk? lilit2? i directly ckp 'xmo ma yg tu fesyen lama skrg kne pkai dulang cntik2 pastu pkai bnga artificial..ifa nk bnga hydrangea'..
Yup..my intention mmg dr awal lg kalo hntaran kawen i nk pkai hydrangea..ske sgt kt bunga ni xtau nape..pastu tnya plk kt opah..'mak rasa (i used to call my opah mak) ifa blh wt sndri x hntaran?' n she said...'rentikanla (read= forget it) hantaran kne kemas xbiasa buat sat lg xjadi wt naya ja'...huhuhu patah semangat i dengggg! pastu i decided nk wt ngn Jemari kreatif again ...sampai la i pegi ssf with my aunty yg owned ipoh station antique cafe tu...jalan2 tgk2 barang then blk rumah i tnya nas 'spe wt hantaran nnt? he said...'most probably kak jemari kot npe ifa wt kt mane?' i jawab..'rs cm nk wt sndiri tp takut xjadi'and u know wht he said..die ckp xpyhla nnt i xde masa terkejar2 sna..ermm he's right so last2 i mntk tlg aunty i yg buat tp bekas n bunga i beli kan..so i can hv whichever flower (artificial), ribbons, n etc ..tp kne la ade maksimum cost kan ...
so far i dh beli dulang utk letak hantaran tu kt SFF puchong...n ade 1 vase utk letak buah2an...bunga i bli kt Fah Lean Balakong...dpt hydrangea biru i loikke it so much..kebetulan majalah pengantin this month ade kluar hntran ngn bunga hydrangea ohh ske3 hehehe...teringan sgt nk gubah sndiri...tp takot nnt xjadi plk...pahar die i sewa je yg biasa but i sewa also cushion from jemari kreatif..personally i ske sgt with it srvices eventho kak siti tu bz tp i puas ht ngn kerja die...nas tunang i tmph hntrn kt die and we all soh jgk die wt bunga pahar..i tell u bnga pahar die sgt moden simple and of coz beautiful.....tp xblh la i nk post lg sbb xamk lg sume2 tu.....kalo dh ade BB( blckberry) nnt sng la nk amk pic ape2 pun kanz?? haha perasan je lebey...till then..c u in the nxt post!
kalau hantaran dlu saie buat sendri.selebihnye tempah
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wahhh pandai ek wt hantaran...=) sorila bru prasan comment huhuhu