Im sure every bride-to-be must have their own preferred wedding theme colour...nowadays bride-to-be dh pandai guna colours yang modern and multicolours ..NICE! ..malay wedding shud have a revolution so that every wedding ceremony will remembered for its uniqueness ..btl x?and as for me i want to create my own wedding style tp yg ttp ade adab and budaya just that playing with colours and trying to modernize the concept....
My dream wedding theme xnk turquoise only ..i want to mix the turqoise family like tiffany blue, aqua , teal...=) tersenyum sorang2 bile berangan bab wedding theme ni..yela kn kawen insyaallah wtla yg turquoise ni blh mix and match ngn warna2 lain tau...almost all colour suit with turquoise ....
sweet sgt bile trqoise ngn white...but at one time it will look very simple n pale so kne mix with other contra colour contoh mcm purple, brown, pun blh...
tgk cntik gile kn...trquoise n purple ...subhanallah indahnya ciptaan ALLAH...xd org blh cipta selain DIA...
i think i would like to choose dark brown as my contra colour ...bile mix with purple mmg cntik tp kalo mix ngn brown nmpk more elegant hehe...luckily baju2 kt bridal pun dh byk dh choice utk colour2 cm ni mmg sng je nk cari...each bridal cnfirm ade colour2 mcm ni...these colour sbnrnya trend last year tp in overseas la Malaysia kn slalu lmbt sket so sbb tu tahun ni mcm tgh hot je colour2 cm ni...
Last week went back to for few bridals and their packagen..alhamdullilah xsusah nk cari ape yg nak tp susah nk wt pilihan...nnt nk story pasal bridal plk ...
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