ya allah dh lama x update anything kat blog..sian kat blog I ni..huhu nasibla dapat tuan yg pemalas mcm ni la jadinya ahaks... alhamdullilah esk dah sebulan I far alhamdullilah xde ape2 dugaan yang mencabar keimanan sgt hopefully in the future later on pon xde and if ade pun harap2 we all can handle..
as for the engagement day..everything was ok alhamdullilah ..sume pun smoothly and it went thru easily on dat day... but few days before the engagement is not so good sbbnya hmmm mcm2 jgkla jadi..yang paling xske ialah...i became too exhausted and mkn minum xtentu hala pegi sana pegi sni masalah itu masalah ini dgn muka yg....hmm im not satisfied with my face the whole week...sad..huhu...
his familia
My familia..te amor mucho muah3x
the hantaran's yg pink to from me to him
lepas tu malam tu pulak (actually 2 3 mlm sblum 2 lg) tdo lewat ade 1 malam tu pkl4 baru tido dan pkl 8 dh jaga ohhhh pelik betul ..nite before tu pulak tido pkl1 tapi xblh tdo ngn nyenyaknye sbb NERVOUS ieee benci3...pkl3 dh terbedik2 tp pejam smpai pkl6 bgn pegi makan sbbnye im hungry but i dont have the appetite mann it was terrible rs nk muntah la hapela aiyo teruk betul..yang bestnye tu mlm lepas knduri tu..i slept like a log haha best gile mmg confirmla sume 2 sbb nervous plus the goodiebag things tu me n my bff yg wat dr mula smpai la abis hadoi...
cute x?hehe my handmade goodiebag
so moral of the story is...kne fit enuf kot huhu pastu kalo xblh tido try amk ubat tido huhu..and im happy la jgk kn sbb my plan successful walaupun ade here there yg xbrape betul...lps ni nk concentrate buat keje (labwork) smpai abis and nk start preparation for the wedding awal so that xde yg tertinggal...nnt will update bridal mana, doorgift ape, reben colour ape, theme ape, hehe sume will be posted later ...
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