ni tmpt weouls tgk tv n lepak2
ooh b4 dat time tgh2 berehat one of my housemate bgtau gas dh abs..so i called kdai bwh soh dieorg anta gas...sgt mhl rm27 dh skrg..xtkejut kalo nnt naik smpai rm30 woow..bole beli baju dh sehelai..time org gas tu nk blk sy nmpk cap jari kaki die kt lantai yg dh bersih berkilau bak permata huhuhuhu...geramnye nnt nak kene mop balik
oo lupe nk bgtau housemate baru dikenali dgn nm kak ida dh pndh msuk semalam she's working at Marriot hotel putrajaya..smlm ad borak2 jap ngn die n im sooo suprised bcoz she is 32 years old already ok xnmpk pun mcm 32 nmpk mcm late 20's n lagi terkejut beruk when she said dat she has 4children already!!! wow! so ape kes nk sewa umh ni??i thnk she and her husband divorced kot xkesahla 2 kn yg penting die xmnyusahkan hidup i n org len gitu??:p but im a bit curious this morning when i smell something like cigarrete in her room.. is she a smoker?well xkesahla nk smoke ke ap tp jgnla dlm rmh i ni sy nk hdp lebih lama lg huhu another new housemate akn msk myb next week but die dh starts angkut brg2 sket2
hopefully we all can get along with each other if not ssh kite blk umh nk berehat tp kalo kt umh pun ad masalah cne nk rehat betul x?actlly wht im hoping is that i will finish up my masters as fast as i can n can stay alone in one place better kn?oops pasal open house 2 i've not yet decide whether to go or not to go later la pk now i g msk nc goreng ke ap ke dlu hehe da... p/s: who is big alarm?big alarm is my beloved boyfren :D
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