let me list down perkara2 yg xdsgka2 berlaku tp berlaku
1) When my best fren had to undergone a major operation..mmg xdisangka2 tetiba tetibi(dah lm xgune ayat ni hihi) she fell sick and terus kene buat major operation..as her close fren it is my responsibility to takecare of her since her parents are not in kl...so hospital serdang tu dh jd umh ke2 kot to me..n ktorg (me aina n haja=housemates) gilir2 jga die time die kt hospital aritu..n time dh blk umah pon kne gkla tgk2 kan mkn mnm die coz yela major operation kn..kalo tgk die ms die kua hospital mmg mcm org br lps kua wad maternity huhu sorry onn..=) 1st time in my life i msk sup ikan haruan n tgk sendiri ikan haruan 2 mcm mane n also do dressings2 ni is cuci tmpt yg kene jahit sbb time bukak stiches 2 some part terbukak xkatup lg scary??mule2 xsggp nk tgk tp lps 1st time tgk dh rilek je siap wt dreesing lg kt die..another worst story is
2) all my jawapan suddenly hilang time exam (doin in labcomp at my faculty)xtaula virus ke hape dh siap complete sume plk tu yg plg sedih dh xd ms tgl 3 min je kot huhu my lecturer give me 30mins je to re-do back the question but of course la not enuf time..it's a statistic questions and there were two Q and supposed to finish within 3hours..can u imagine how much i've wrote in the answers??dat time rs mcm 'ya allah kenapala teruk sgt dugaan yg Kau bg ni" nsb ad kwn2 yg bg support but dat time dh tau dh gred ap yg i akn dpt nnt...ok myb it was my fault also not to saved during answering time tp ntahla dh nk jd jdla..nk wt cne..huhu redha jela..
3) 3rd one was??ape ek myb 2 je yg worst kot yg len blh dirangkumkan sekali hehe...oh lupe 3rd one was when i plk yg fell sick due to food poisonning...one day sampai berkali2 'cirit' mkn kua blk mnm pun kua blk...huhu nsb time 2 opah ad kt kl thnks to yati sbb mskkan utk sy
4) the rest ni biasa2 je xla worst sgt ..within dis 1 year jgk sy g audition for gadis melayu..hehe gatal nk try xpk pun dpt masuk just nk cube2 je sbb xpnh g audition...n the result..
mestila xdpt...sbb dgn slmba g audition pkai sua jeans hehe b4 nk g audition ad bgtau kt opah and she supports 100% for me to go to the audition hahaha funny..n bile bgtau xdpt sbb pkaian xsesuai die blh marah sy plk ish2 smpai ht xpela opah next year plk la ek..(kalo rajin :p)...

lagi ialah one of my housemate aeinna musa (soory kalo salah eja nm mu aina xreti la hehe) tiba eh silap tetiba tetibi nk kahwen! OMG mula2 igt plg2 pun die nk betunang b4 puasa or after rya rpenye nk nikah dlm bulan ramadhan and again sy bersama dua org lg housemates ke terengganulah utk meraikan pernikahan die (meraikan??) ap2 jela...ktorg gilir2 drive sepatutnya g ari sbtu tp sy demam lagi!!huhu so ahad br g isnin dh mjlis..so it was my 2nd trip to trganu .

actly byk lg hal yg terjadi tp yg ni yg plg melekat dlm Qalbu sbb nthla sentimental value la kononye n fyi aina dh pon pindah ke umh mak mertuanya and wahida will be staying in hostel in dis coming oct bcoz hal2 xdpt dielakkan..tgllah sy n haja n 2 org housemates baru yg blk masuk oct ni huhu sad story kn??xpela ad hikmahnye kot ok la after this i will try to update my blog ok peeps c u in the next post! =)
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