Saturday, December 4, 2010

progress for a week :D

2 Dec - abh , ayu (sister) , bian (brother) dtg kl naik fast train (ETS) ..fetched them at kl sentral..nth mcm mn blh plk pusing 1 kl b4 smpai kl sentral ..kesnye tersilap entrance huhu..bwk dieorg g klcc je 1st nk bwk dieorg g pavi tp ayu ckp "abah nk g petrosains'..dh mcm 2 ke klcc la jwbnye..last2 tket msk petrosains abs so jln2 dlm klcc 2 je...ajk ayu msk kdai guess but she refused to die ckp xmo2 kt tau kt xblh bli nnt blk ipoh kt trgt'...pulak??? aish mcm2 ...ktorg teruja tgk cupcake beli ini....sgt manis smpai rs perit mmg cute2 desicakes kt sna ..gerammm!but im not a cake lover..mkn bile rs nk mkn je.....

my sister ayuni....tgh tggu pmr...

look at the cake!xmcm cake kn mcm mainan je ...i wonder how is the taste...

This were the cuppies that we bought rm5 each mhl! taste die?mm i smpai selsema n demam + skt tekak lps rs bende alah ni..huhu topping is to heavy n very3X sweet

ni dh kenape???...jakun tgk byk sgt lovely decorated cuppies :D

cntik...sweet...adorable...blh x nk kek kawen mcm ni??price die ...rm900 huhu xsggp nk mkn nnt

so back to the we all jejalan kt klcc 2 je b4 i anta dieorg semula dekat kl sentral...sperti biasa bile i drive abh will say..'kak ipa ni bwk mcm mama jgk laju!' mother like daughter la kn?hihi:D...830 they chckin already n i went bck to bbb..

3hb Dec- pkl10 i dh smpai maeps where MAHA was held...i kne jga booth poster of my senior...huhu bile la time nk jga my own booth ni??next year insyaallah..huhu duty strt at 10 till 4pm masyaallah ..berjanggut tggu c2 tp best sbb dpt duit rm10 n dpt jejakkan kaki ke not dat type yg ske g outdoor pnye exhibition thing sbb rmai org n panas..2nd thing is sbb malas! heheh tp nsb bek booth die dlm dewan n tmpt exhibiton pun byk dlm dewan of coz yg outdoor pun ad tp cnfrmla i xg jalan hehe...

4th Dec- tido umh spupu kt bndr sunway...very nice house ...and from dat i learn one thing..i mean its proven dat 'air dicincang tidak akan putus' yg pergi cincang 2 mmg gile!i got some advices from my uncle as well...die ckp nnt dh keje smpn duit beli rmh...itu pelaburan yg sgt mnguntungkn! yup! its true..he bought the house in 1992 and it was rm100thsnd now it may cost up to rm600thnsd ...seeee....kalo dduk kl mmg kne mcm tu and i'll try do like wht he said..thnks uncle !:) oops no pic taken dat day huhu

5hb Dec- makan kenduri!! g knduri kt umh kamal..dkt je seksyen i dtg lmbt sbb bli brg nk mskla g sna g cni tup2 pkl2 br smpai ...mcm duk kt klang je hehehe..anyways..i manage to attend and i thnk dat was the last kenduri 4 dis year .. i mean year???myb not me..but i hv listed kenduri's dat i might need to attend..overall till now dh ad 6 wedding's ..huhu absla kne wt baju lg tdung n bla3...sume pun lua kl ish2 xpela jgn merungut arifa! nnt org merungut nk g kenduri awk plk ha!...

6th Dec- ponteng! xg upm kikiki esk awl muharram so baik sy cuti lbh awl heheh..actly nk bwk opah g sogo jln2 b4 die blk dats y la i ponteng..rmai gle org kt sogo ..maklumla cuti sekolah + y.e.s sale sna cni..geram mak nyah! i xbeli ap2 ok! huhu mmg cipta record la...i tgk je n tnya harga so blh buat calculation bile duit msk nnt hehe..

my opah...heee..disebabkan mls nk beratur beli mknn kt fudcort so ajk opah mkn secret recipe hehe

7th Dec (today)- New Year!awl hoping the very best to everything in my life...huhu previous year last year espcly was not a very good year to me..but due to 'not very good' im more wise and calm whenever problems appeared yeke??ermm blhla still trying my very best to change or to throw away the -ve vibes and practise +ve manners thru thinking and attitude..insyaallah..


  1. gemok nyeeeee kte ! mcm ape je. sesuai a beli cupcake

  2. ifa, happy new year to u n ur family!! ..guess saya siapa...haahah

  3. anonymous 1: kte 2 spe?hahah ye mmg gemuk! br tau ke?
    anonymous 2: haha su chee ..u dh bgtau i b4 i teka siapa hihi hppy new year 2 u n fmly also :)
